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Westron R410a in Kenya

Westron R410a in Kenya is a Non-Ozone Depleting, Nonflammable near Azeotropic blends of two Refrigerants R-125 (50%) and R-32 (50%)
Westron R410a in Kenya

Westron R410a in Kenya is a Non-Ozone Depleting, Non-Toxic, Nonflammable near Azeotropic blends of two Refrigerants namely R-125 (50%) and R-32 (50%). It is ideal for Medium temperature Refrigeration applications, Residential and Commercial Air-conditioning applications like small Chillers and, Heat pumps, Dehumidifiers, etc.

Westron R 410A has been proven as a better Refrigerant than R 22, during various tests, 5 to 6% Higher Energy Efficiency Rating (EER) compared with R-22. This enables the OEM manufacturers to design the Compact Air Conditioning Equipment & which is the reason Millions of Compact Air-conditioning units are Sold around the World where Westron R 410A is used as Refrigerants.

Chemical NameDifl uoromethane (HFC-32)Pentafl uoroethane (HFC-125)
Chemical FormulaCH2F2, CHF2CF3
Molecular Weight72.6
AppearanceClear, Colorless Liquid and Vapor
Physical StateGas at Ambient Temperature
OdorFaint Ethereal Odor
Specific Gravity (water = 1.0)1.08 @ 21.1°C (70°F)
Boiling Point-48.5°C (-55.4 °F)
Freezing PointNot Determined
Vapor Pressure215.3 psia@ 21.1°C , 490.2 psia@ 54.4°C
Vapor Density3.0 (Air =1.0)

Applications of refrigeration gas R407c

  • Firstly, packaged air conditioners
  • Secondly, commercial-use refrigerators
  • Lastly, vending machines etc.

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